[GCP] Getting Started with Cloud PubSub

[GCP] Getting Started with Cloud PubSub


2 min read



pip install --upgrade google-cloud-pubsub

Python Snippets

git clone https://github.com/googleapis/python-pubsub.git
cd python-pubsub/samples/snippets


Topic is a shared string that allows applications to connect with one another through a common thread.

Publishers push (or publish) a message to a Cloud Pub/Sub topic.

Subscribers will then make a subscription to that thread, where they will either pull messages from the topic or configure webhooks for push subscriptions.

Every subscriber must acknowledge each message within a configurable window of time.


use Python to create the topic, subscriber, and then view the message

# Create topics
gcloud pubsub topics create myTopic
python publisher.py $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT create MyTopic

# List topics in project
gcloud pubsub topics list
python publisher.py $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT list

# Delete topics
gcloud pubsub topics delete myTopic

# Create topics Subscription
gcloud  pubsub subscriptions create --topic myTopic mySubscription
python subscriber.py $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT create MyTopic MySub

# List Subscriptions in topics
gcloud pubsub topics list-subscriptions myTopic
python subscriber.py $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT list-in-project

# Publish a message on a topic
gcloud pubsub topics publish myTopic --message "Hello"

# Subscribe a message to a topic
gcloud pubsub topics subscribe MyTopic
python subscriber.py $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT receive MySub

# Pull messages (default is 1)
gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull mySubscription --auto-ack
gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull mySubscription --auto-ack --limit=3

the Publisher.py file is in python-pubsub/samples/snippets/publisher.py

python publisher.py $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT list "projects/qwiklabs-gcp-01-9e3fa6b48a07/topics/MyTopic"

  • Sending Message via Console image.png